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Careers In Design

Design Recruitment Blog

How Can LinkedIn Boost Your Career?

Posted on 29 Apr, 2019

Finding a job can be difficult, especially in the competitive field of design. With so many applications per position these days, you might think that modern job hunters are at a disadvantage, but you actually hold a great trump card, if you know how to use it

It's no secret that technology has revolutionised the job search process. The internet is the first place to start looking for a job, but it has also made the job application process seem colder in some ways. You may not ever speak to a person until the interview, and the number of applications where you never receive a response seems to climb.

So what is the secret benefit that technology brings to balance the automated application process? Social media!

We've discussed how to get your social media account... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting | Tagged: Linkedin job hunting social media

Land Your Dream Design Job in 2019

Posted on 07 Jan, 2019

The end of one year and the beginning of another is a great time to take stock of what you have achieved and what your goals are for the future. As 2018 has ended, it’s worth pausing to reassess where you are on your career journey and start looking at how you’d like to progress this year.

If you’re thinking about pushing your career forward in 2019, it can help to assess your current situation and future goals. Identifying and leveraging your skills to employers is key, so try writing a list of your skills and areas where you excel. It can be difficult to recognise your own strengths as they are often qualities you take for granted, so try to identify examples of tasks you enjoyed or found easy, as well as abilities that helped you achieve notable goals.

... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting | Tagged: job hunting

Redecorate Your Social Media Profile for Job Hunting

Posted on 23 Nov, 2018

In the digital age, your first impression is made long before you enter the interview room.

The first seven seconds of a meeting used to be seen as the crucial window to make an impression. While seven seconds might seem an impossibly tiny window (and some research suggests even this is too long), you can make an impression long before the interview, and use this to clinch the job you want.

How? By getting your social media profile perfect.

Clean Up Your Social Media CV

92% of companies use social media for recruiting, and those numbers are only climbing. Looking up a candidate online is now a common step in the recruitment process, and recruiters can use any information they find about you online as grounds to cast your application aside.

Dodge... Continue reading >

Posted in: Job Hunting | Tagged: job hunting social media


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